“ Nuts Man! ”
" Nuts " as a famous American General said to The Germans when asked to surrender when he was surrounded on all sides at the Ardenne Forest during WW2 ! " Nuts " is what I say to so many arrogant uninformed Politicians ,Presidents ,Popes and Elites who prey on the supposed low information voters ,they have created through dumbed down educational systems , around our ever evolving Cultural Marxist World ! Just as The Germans did not understand the resolve and tenacity of the forces they were supposedly about to crush neither do these Troglodytes, who advance their corrupt Ideology with no respect or care for “ The Rights of Men ", understand or care ,for they are obsessed and intoxicated with the need for instant gratification , that this world of our making is part of a greater and more vast expanse of systems that were responsible for our formation and our existence and if some errant meteor or cosmic conflagration were to take place we might be gone faster than it took us to come into being ! In there mad rush to garner power and money for themselves and to centralize it all at the expense of everyone else they lose sight of the wonders of nature ,the advances in the sciences ,the humanities ,the arts, true education ,sociology ,philosophy and the Perpetuation of the World and the Universe around them ! They are consumed with tearing down what has been built and creating confusion and hysteria between people for they cannot compete, intellectually , morally , philosophically or socially with what exists so they manipulate ,bully ,dupe,delude ,scam ,con and coerce those around them into accepting the opposite of what built the world they live within . That is Cultural Marxism and it teaches your children to celebrate and wallow in the pleasures of the Deadly Sins to seek “ The Now “ and screw the future ,to despise and denigrate everything that their Parents and Grandparents worked ,fought and died to create ! They denigrate and demonize The Virtues and Principles that built and perpetuated America and The Western Judeo Christian World and that is why every Judeo Christian Country in the world today is under attack by Cultural Marxism and The Enemy of their Enemy Islam ! They are both mired in an unintellectual ,irrational conquest to bring The People’s of The World under their control but while they are consumed with this disorder well ordered and sane men are reaching out into The Universe to find scientific knowledge that will one day benefit all Mankind !
Never fear for as one king steals our wealth and happiness another rises to undo and rebuild what has been stolen.This is The History of Mankind.Never accept the status quo and never stop challenging those who seek to undermine what the majority believes! Never Quit