How the left Enslaves People
Typical Leftists accuse " White Europeans " of perpetrating against Africans and Muslims what was already a stable of life for thousands of years before Europeans ventured abroad.Greece,Rome,Babylon,The Ottoman Empire and a myriad other Dictatorships Tyrannies,Monarchies ,Aristocracies and " Democrat Nations " had all been involved in slavery and subjugation of conquered enemies! The spoils of war and exploration were the accepted ways of doing business for thousands of years.More people were enslaved by colored skinned people through out history than white and history bears that out for it was from those that Europeans learned to use slaves.The Germanic Hordes,Ghengis Khan,Alexander The Great,and every major exponent of radical social change throughout history raped ,pillaged and enslaved their conquered enemies.Women were first liberated by the introduction of slaves and indentured help because before that all women performed all the manual labor in the family.From a revisionists view of history this is unacceptable and must be addressed and reparations made to the injured even though the vast majority of them are long gone and hopefully in a better place.
People have an obligation to defend themselves and their prodigy by the Laws of Nature and Moral Law and when a people refuses to stand and defend their Individual Rights then they must suffer the ultimate consequences. I will acknowledge that Europeans did take advantage of certain people's around the World for many years but the consequential societal benefits that many of those peoples garnered from Colonialism are quite evident today.Whether it be out of guilt or compassion billions of dollars and other currencies have been donated to impoverished Nations and continue to this day. The Peoples of those nations were never beneficiaries of Leaders who had the interests of the individual citizen at heart and consequently they fell ,in the majority of cases ,under the jack boot of Tyrants and Dictators.It must also be noted that Russia,China and other nefarious interests used and supported many of these Puppet Governments and aided in subjugating millions of people.
The Third World People have become recipients of Global Welfare and are in need of Moral and Spiritual Leadership from within their own people's ranks. Freedom only comes through acceptance of responsibility for one's own self preservation and cannot be gained by handouts,welfare,government subsidies and a pat on the back for voting for those that are enslaving you! Every Country in The World that can call itself Free got there by fighting for that Freedom.It was not handed to The Irish,The Australians,The Europeans,Southern Americans et al.
All those who leave their own country and knowingly do so to benefit from the product of the blood sweat and tears of another people are thieves encouraged by corrupt politicians who only seek power for themselves and are enslaving the new immigrants. So our Leftist Opponents castigate White Europeans " for using and abusing the poor immigrants from around The World but if the truth be known it is they who have been the enslavers and if England,Europe and America are foolish enough to allow further mass immigration The Left will Enslave them to Welfare at the cost of every working Judeo Christian in The West!